A card for the GLOS Annual Meeting and Seagull Launch

After many, many months of connecting only virtually with much of the Great Lakes community, we’re excited to announce that the 2022 GLOS Annual Meeting and Seagull Launch Party will be held in Chicago on April 28, 2022.

If you care about monitoring the lakes and sharing data, join us in Chicago or virtually to hear the latest from the GLOS staff, board, and IOOS leadership on what we have accomplished in the last year, and where we’re heading in the near future.

Then, be part of the official Seagull launch party, when our lake data and information platform will move out of its beta phase and be ready for everyone to use, region-wide!

Stay tuned: During the week of April 28th, we are also hosting some other exciting opportunities to connect around technology, data, and loving the lakes.
