ARCHIVED | 2023 | Annual Meeting, Seagull Workshop, and IAGLR Conference yield renewed connections, fresh ideas
Our May 8 Annual Meeting and Seagull Workshop gave our staff and board the...
Great Lakes Observation System
Our May 8 Annual Meeting and Seagull Workshop gave our staff and board the...
The Bipartisan Infrastructure Law (BIL) was signed into law in Nov. 2021 and includes...
Join us for the Great Lakes Observing System Annual Meeting and the Seagull Workshop!...
Kelli Paige joined the Great Lakes Observing System (GLOS) in 2009 starting as a...
The Integrated Ocean Observing System (IOOS) recently received $3.7 million from the Bipartisan Infrastructure...
This month, Kelli, Katie, and David represented GLOS at the National Tribal and Indigenous...
FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE Aug. 23, 2021 Contact: Katie Rousseau, Smart Great Lakes Liaison,,...
On December 31, 2020, the President signed S. 914, the Coordinated Ocean Observations and Research...
2020 was a big year at GLOS. New staff, observing system upgrades, and lakefloor...
On October 22, 2019, after a multi-year collaborative planning process involving stakeholders, partners, and...