Value of GLOS

The Great Lakes Observing System (GLOS) is a charitable, tax-exempt organization. As a nonprofit, GLOS relies on funding from grants and donations to execute our mission, led by our core values.
Your donation supports getting valuable insights on lake conditions and weather of the lakes in the hands of everyday people and Great Lakes researchers.
The Great Lakes contain a fifth of the world’s surface freshwater.
We’re working toward a future for Great Lakes information that best protects the shared waters of the tens of millions that call the Great Lakes home.
GLOS’ and partners’ observation assets spread across all five Great Lakes.
Monitoring and protecting the Great Lakes
Help us tackle the greatest threats facing the region and the millions of people that rely on them.
Harmful Algal Blooms
Since 2015, with support from Ohio EPA and the US Integrated Ocean Observing System (IOOS), GLOS, with a wide range of partners, has worked to procure, deploy, and/or integrate data from water quality instrumentation to provide real-time HABs-related data to stakeholders.
Severe Weather Indicators
GLOS is at the forefront of observing and collecting the necessary information to monitor for and alert to severe weather conditions. This includes water level and ice cover data. Collecting and making historical data easily accessible is key to making accurate predictions and adapting to our changing environments.
Beach Safety
People access the waters of the Great Lakes in many ways, but it is at the physical shoreline, on the beaches, where the majority of us come into direct contact with the lakes. Although beautiful, the lakes can be dangerous. GLOS is attempting to enhance and expand the way people can access weather and water information, to better inform recreational beachgoers, to give everyone the tools they need to be safe and maybe save lives.
GLOS supports llifeguard programs, safety signage, and emergency response systems at Great Lakes beaches, and all initiatives that ensure clean and safe beaches.
Other ways to support GLOS
Please contact with any ideas you have to help us promote safety, security, and sustainability in the Great Lakes.
- Sponsor Seagull
- Adopt an observing platformÂ
- Health and Safety Gear
- Providing Data & Services to GLOS
- Host a Seagull Nest for your community/organization
- Other gifts (ie. vessel time, equipment, etc.)